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For all Students to participate at WAPA, Parents/ Wards are required to agree to these Terms & Conditions by ticking the acceptance box online when paying fees.
You can update your enrolment by completing the application form again HERE.
We may update these Terms & Conditions from time to time.
WAPA reserves the right to refuse a Student entry to a WAPA session at its own discretion.
After enrolment, notification is required if a student intends to leave WAPA. Students are automatically re-enrolled for the following Term. I understand that failing to do so will result in an obligation to pay half of the forthcoming terms fees.
Students must wear WAPA uniform & Jazz shoes at normal times in class.
Students participate at their own risk.
Parents/ Wards should inform WAPA directly of any existing injuries or medical condition on application.
If a Student is unwell or has an accident requiring emergency treatment, we will contact via the Students emergency contact details provided on the enrolment form. This number must always be contactable whilst the Student is attending the WAPA Activity. Parents are responsible for ensuring that the emergency contact details on WAPA's records are up to date.
Students are obliged to take care of their own belongings. WAPA can accept no liability for lost or damaged belongings.
In the event that a Student is unable to attend a WAPA Activity session, due to sickness, holiday or a decision by the Parent or Student not to attend, WAPA is unable to refund any payment.
I give permission for my child to be photographed and filmed in any WAPA activity (including but not limited to performances or classes) for the duration of their time attending WAPA.
I give permission for WAPA to use photographs & video recorded in any WAPA activity (including but not limited to performances or classes) to be used on the WAPA Website, Email, Social Media platforms & any other media relating to WAPA.
NOTE All Data & Media collected will be used for the sole purpose of WAPA and will not be given, sold or used by to any third party.
WAPA reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions at any time.
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